‘Proposal 84’ Letter
The following is the text of a letter sent by the Community to the Moderator of the Queensland Synod of the Uniting Church in Australia:
The Mustard Bush Faith Community welcomes ‘Proposal 84’, passed by the Tenth Assembly. As a Community, we seek to bear witness to an inclusive tradition, which began when the apostles recognised that Gentiles had faith in Jesus Christ, and were given the gift of the Spirit; this tradition continued with the subsequent full inclusion of other marginalised groups such as slaves and women. We are challenged to see this inclusion today as encompassing homosexual people, and furthermore to recognise that God has given gifts of leadership to homosexual people.
‘Proposal 84’ reminds the Uniting Church that our unity is built on our faith in the triune God, and the finished work of Christ; we can only do this as we are united through Christ, and Christ alone. The Mustard Bush Faith Community ‘dances among apparent opposites: contemplative, justice-oriented; evangelical, liberal; ancient, contemporary’; we wish to model this union in Christ in our life together, and to answer the Assembly’s call in whatever way we can.
We are fully aware of the difficulties that many face. We also recognise that after twenty years of dialogue, faithful people have reached mutually exclusive conclusions concerning some issues of sexuality. We hope—and believe—that the Uniting Church can respond to the Assembly’s invitation to ‘commit ourselves to seek to live together in peace as people of faith, notwithstanding our differing views in the matter of same sex relationships’. (‘Proposal 84’, clause 2)
We encourage you, along with the Council of Synod, to help the Synod of Queensland to find a path forward that will help presbyteries to fulfil their responsibilities, and congregations to be places of welcome to all people.
Yours in Christ,
Paul Waltonwith the members of the Mustard Bush Faith Community